For computers HPCompaq NC6120 battery manufactured and sold in 2006 or later, based on the Microsoft licensing agreement, you can create a personal recovery disc to restore the computer to its original operating system.
If you cannot create a set of recovery discs, you might be able to order a set of replacement discs from HP. HP Compaq NC6120 battery maintains an inventory of replacement recovery discs for several years after the product has been released. However, because of licensing restrictions, HP is only able to provide these recovery discs for a limited time. If the computer is several years past its warranty period, HP Compaq NC6120 battery might not be able to supply replacement discs for your computer. If this is the case, you can install a new operating system that meets the minimum system requirements of your computer, or, alternatively, upgrade your computer hardware.
Enjoy the confidence of knowing your personal files are backed up should the unexpected happen. Launch the Microsoft? Backup Tool, and Windows will scan for new files and files updated since your last backup. You can select where the backup is written (e.g. to DVD or CD, hard drive, external drive) for safekeeping. You can also customize how often your files are backed up.
Totalcare support: Get some extra peace of mind for your new PC HP Compaq NC6120 battery with HP Support Assistant. It helps you use, maintain and learn about your PC and resolve problems with automated updates and tune-ups, onboard diagnostics and guided assistance. HP Compaq NC6120 battery Support Assistant comes preinstalled on PCs running Windows? 7.1
System storage: View the system storage chart to see exactly how much free space remains on your drives and when additional storage may be necessary. Links to information on how to free up space and to (where you can order additional hard drives) are also provided.
Total care battery: If you are working off of an HP or Compaq laptop, view the HP Compaq NC6120 battery condition in a visual representation of the percentage of power left.
Award winning service and support
TSIA certification recognizes that HP consumer computing and printing products has achieved excellence in service operations for three consecutive years. Customers can purchase HP Compaq NC6120 battery with confidence knowing that HP meets the highest industry support standards.